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Insightflow: Knowledge made smarter

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Insightflow drives faster knowledge production


orange stripe thin.pngCapture data sources, data, documents and nuggets of knowledge that you and others can stripe thin.png


orange stripe thin.pngQuickly get up to speed on a topic by searching and filtering knowledge files from other usersorange stripe thin.png


orange stripe thin.pngCreate your own knowledge document to build and share your knowledge from existing filesorange stripe thin.png


orange stripe thin.png Visit a space to find information and knowledge quickly. Share your sources and knowledge with others. orange stripe thin.png


orange stripe thin.png Build your knowledge graph by relating files. Quickly build your knowledge by including existing files in your new file. orange stripe thin.png


orange stripe thin.png Describe your files with tags so you and others can find them, or let our tagbot do it for you (coming soon) orange stripe thin.png


Insightflow is for people like you

For Consultancies
  • Reduce waste in existing research
  • Create insights faster and with greater collaboration
  • Drive insights and results into your clients
  • Manage information, portals and reports in a timely and effective way
For Agencies
  • Coordinate within and across teams
  • Store, access and share the DNA of your internal knowledge
  • Identify the internal experts and knowledge gaps
  • Accelerate the processes of research for - and production of - pitches and reports
For Individuals
  • Organise what you know, your sources and any previous work
  • Become the best-informed person in the room
  • Collaborate with your peers and find new experts
  • Reduce your wasted time in duplicated research and writing

Want to see more?Try Insightflow for free


Insightflow delivers the outcomes you need

Driving Decisions
  • Making your own decisions
  • Helping other people make decisions
  • Influencing decisions
Facilitating learning
  • Formal learning and courses
  • Informal learning
  • Workplace training
  • Product information
Supporting Perspectives
  • Thought leadership
  • Content marketing
  • Policies
  • Terms & Conditions

Capture information and data

Easily capture original sources like interviews, articles and reports

Break them down into useful nuggets that can be reused

Tag and describe them so that you - and others - can find them again

Find files

Search across files to find the things that are most useful to you

Filter results to pinpoint the things you need

Save your searches to speed up the process next time

Create knowledge and reports

Combine and recombine files to produce ideas, reports, and narratives up to 10 times faster

Collaborate with your team or clients to produce stories that resonate

Publish and share your work

See how we can make you more effectiveTry Insightflow for free

Insightflow drives business

Ready to dive in?Try a free Insightflow account today!


Our free social libraries help you make plans, decisions and policy.

The social spaces are:
  • Vital for planning & policy
  • Collaborative and co-created
  • Free to use
Supporting the social spaces
  • Insightflow commits to providing an ongoing support to these social spaces
  • The community continue to create assets and knowledge for sharing
  • You can donate towards that fund - but it's not compulsory
  • Our partners offer valuable content that can be shared for free

Understanding the implications and opportunities of the Green Economy

green ec header.png We are seeing a huge shift across major economies as they seek to reduce carbon emissions. What does that mean for businesses? What is happening to consumer behaviour? How are markets responding and when will the right time be to act. Our Green Economy library will pull together research data that helps answer these.

The benefits and challenges of implementing Diversity and Inclusion initiatives

D&I library header.png Some subjects are too big to be left to individual organisations. We all have a stake in the future of business and the society we live in. Our Diversity & Inclusion Library will pull together the latest knowledge and research into Diversity & Inclusion to help businesses to make better decisions and become more diverse and inclusive.



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